The best image downloader for download pictures from website.

For Windows 98/Me/NT/2000/2003/XP/Vista/2008/10/11

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PicaLoader lets you download large number of pictures from the Web and save them onto your hard drive. It offers an advanced HTML analysis engine, that enables you to automatically download all kinds of pictures you want from internet, even the pictures are linked by JavaScript, VBScript and JScript. An additional pre-reading picture filter engine allows you to filter pictures based on Size, Definition, Color Depth, and several other criteria, including URL keyword filtering and more which can be saved in profiles for quick access in other projects. With the help of these filtering options you can make sure that only the images that you are interested in are actually downloaded.

The built-in Thumbnail Browser lets you preview, search, and reorganize (sort, copy and move) the downloaded pictures. Additional features include a real-time, as you download preview, thumbnail database, error logging, duplicate filtering, disk space limit, cookie support and more. The program can also attempt to find hidden pictures by scanning for certain number sequences.

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